EALA Strategic Plan 2019 - 2024

EALA Strategic Plan 2019 - 2024

(This document presents) The East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) Strategic Plan (2019 – 2014) covering a range of important elements – all of which combine to make it an appropriately comprehensive plan document.

The main document begins by providing a broad background to the plan, as well as the context within which the central component of the plan is anchored. This background includes a number of important aspects about EALA and the EAC, which greatly inform the core of the strategic plan itself.

With particular regard to EALA, the Strategic Plan outlines the mandate and functions of the Assembly; its administrative structures; its relationship with other Organs and Institutions of the EAC; key stakeholders of the Assembly (including a stakeholder analysis); as well as the evolution and performance of the Assembly from its inception to date. The broad background also includes a preamble to the Strategic Plan; justification for the plan; as well as the Situational Analysis.

The Situational Analysis includes: a brief review of EALA’s Strategic Plan (2018 – 2024); EALA’s major binding challenges and constraints; as well as the Assembly’s strategic aspirations for the planned period (2019 – 2024). The same Situational Analysis also includes a SWOT Analysis for the EALA with regard to the Assembly’s capacity to deliver on its mandate and strategic interventions, including its planned interventions to address the major implications of the identified Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats.

The plan is also informed and guided by EALA’s mandate; vision; mission, as well as core values.

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