1. The Clerk shall preside in the election of a Member to preside the Assembly in the presence of the Speaker.  The Sitting shall be informal but in the Chamber of the House.


2. The nominations for candidates for election of a Member to preside in the Assembly shall be done on the floor of the House.


3. The Member wishing to propose a name for the person to preside shall rise in his or her place, and upon catching the eye of the person presiding, shall state that “I wish to propose that Hon________do take the Chair to preside in the Assembly for today’s Sitting and subsequent Sittings until such time as the Speaker may be present”.  The proposer shall be seconded and if the Member proposed consents to the nomination, he/she shall be deemed to be duly nominated.


4. If more than one Member has been duly nominated, the presiding officer shall call for a vote by show of hands.  The Member scoring the highest number of votes shall be declared elected and conducted to the Chair of the Speaker.


5. If only one Member is nominated, he or she shall be declared elected and conducted to the Chair of the Speaker


6. The Member elected would then make extempore and brief remarks expressing gratitude for having been elected and submitting himself/herself to the will of the House, the supremacy of the Rules of the House Business and laying claim to the privileges of the Assembly and the Members.


7. The Member elected would make a short adjournment and would lead a procession to the “Office of the Speaker” for the Assembly and the Members.


8. The Speaker’s procession would then return to the House for continuation of the rest of the Business


9. During the debate in the House, thereafter, all Members shall refer to the Member elected as Mr. or Madam Speaker.