51(1) Whenever in the opinion of the Speaker or a Member presiding in Committee a statement made by a Member is prima facie defamatory of any Member or person, the Member presiding shall refer the matter of inquiry to the Committee on Legal, Rules and Privileges which shall report its findings to the House not later than twenty one days after the matter is referred to it.


(2) Where the Committee reports to the House that the statement made by the Member is defamatory of any person the Member who made the statement shall, within seven days after that report, render an apology at the bar of the House, the terms of which shall be approved by the Committee and communicated to the person who has been defamed.


(3) Where a Member refuses to render an apology in accordance with sub-rule (2) of this rule, the Speaker, upon the circumstances of the matter being reported to him or her by the Chairperson of the Legal, Rules and Privileges Committee shall suspend the member for the duration of the meeting unless the House otherwise orders.