50    (1)
Order shall be maintained in the House by the Speaker and in the Committee of the Whole House by the Chairman.


(2) The Speaker or the Chairman after calling the attention of the House or the Committee to the conduct of a Member, who persists in the irrelevance or tedious repetition of his or her own arguments, or of the arguments made by other Members in the debate, may direct the Member to discontinue his or her speech.


(3) If a Member persists in irrelevance or tedious repetitions or uses objectionable words and on being called to order fails to retract or explain the words and offer an apology to the satisfaction of the Speaker, any member may, with the consent of the Speaker, move that the member using the objectionable words be no longer heard, and the question of that motion shall be put without amendment or debate.


(4) The Speaker shall order any Member whose conduct is grossly disorderly to withdraw immediately from the House for the remainder of that day’s sitting; and the Clerk or the Serjeant-at-arms shall act on orders as he or she may receive from the chair to ensure compliance with this rule.


(5) Conduct is grossly disorderly not only if the member concerned creates actual disorder, but also if he knowingly raises a false point of order, or commits any serious breach of these Rules, or persists in making serious allegations without (in Mr. Speaker’s opinion) adequate substantiation or otherwise abuses his privileges, or deliberately gives false information to the House or refuses to answer a legitimate question or acts in any other way to the serious detriment of the dignity or orderly procedure of the House.

(6) Every Member shall bow to the Chair in passing to or from his or her seat or while crossing the floor of the House.


(7) No Member shall pass between the Chair and any Member who is speaking or between the Chair and the Table except in so far as it is necessary for the purpose of administration of the Oath or Affirmation of allegiance.


(8) When the House adjourns, Members shall stand in their places until the Speaker has left the Chamber.