43 Reference shall not be made:


(1) To any matter of which judicial decision is pending in such a way as may, in the opinion of the Speaker, prejudice the interest of any party to the action.

(2) The personal conduct of a President of a partner State, Speaker, any judge of a Partner State, or the East African Court of Justice, or the judicial conduct of any other person performing judicial functions in the Partner States, in the Community, or any conduct of the ruler, Government or representative in any partner State or any friendly country shall not be adversely referred to except upon specific substantive motion moved for that purpose.


(3) It shall be out of order to use offensive, abusive, insulting, blasphemous or unbecoming words or to impute improper motives to any Member or to make personal allusions.


(4) It shall be out of order to attempt to reconsider any specific question upon which the House has come to a conclusion during the current session, except upon a substantive motion for rescission.


(5) The speech of a Member must have reference to the subject matter under discussion.