9    (1) The House may pass a resolution to remove the Speaker from office.


(2) A motion for a resolution to remove the Speaker from office shall be signed by at least four elected Members from each Partner State and submitted to the Clerk;


(3) The Clerk shall, within twenty-four hours of receipt of the list of names, forward the Notice to the House.


(4) The motion shall be tabled in the Assembly within seven days of its receipt by the Clerk and the House shall refer the motion to the Committee on Legal, Rules and Privileges to investigate and report its findings to the Assembly for debate;


(5) The Speaker is entitled to appear in person and to be assisted or represented by a lawyer or any other person when the Committee is investigating his or her removal.


(6) The Speaker, in respect of whom proceedings for removal have commenced, shall not preside over the proceedings.


(7) If the Assembly passes the motion for the removal of the Speaker by not less than   two-thirds majority of elected members of the Assembly, the Speaker shall cease to hold office.